Zimbra Hot Backup Restore Tool

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Title : Zimbra Hot Backup Restore Tool
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Zimbra Hot Backup Restore Tool

Tool to create and restore backups of Zimbra open source.
Zimbra Backup and Restore "hot". By Richardson Limahttp://br.linkedin.com/in/richardsonlima
Developed in Bash Script, but currently under development in the Python programming language.


Script 1 This script must be run as root, it runs the script runBackupAll.sh and also sends the entire backup to a second machine.
``` echo "***************************************************" echo "* Zimbra - Backup all email accounts *" echo "***************************************************" echo"" # echo Start time of the backup = $(date +%T)
before="$(date +%s)" # echo "" ZHOME=/opt/zimbra ZBACKUP=$ZHOME/backup/mailbox echo "Generating backup files ..." su - zimbra -c "/opt/backup/SCRIPT_ZIBRA_BACKUP_ALL_ACCOUNTS/zimbra_backup_allaccounts.sh" echo "Sending files to backup all email accounts for Machine2 ..." rsync -avH $ZBACKUP root@ipaddress:/backup/zimbra_backup_accounts before2="$(date +%s)" # echo The process lasted = $(date +%T)

Calculating time

after="$(date +%s)" elapsed="$(expr $after - $before)" hours=$(($elapsed / 3600)) elapsed=$(($elapsed - $hours * 3600)) minutes=$(($elapsed / 60)) seconds=$(($elapsed - $minutes * 60)) echo The complete backup lasted : "$hours hours $minutes minutes $seconds seconds" ```
Script 2 zimbraBackupAllAccounts.sh
ZHOME=/opt/zimbra ZBACKUP=$ZHOME/backup/mailbox ZCONFD=$ZHOME/conf DATE=`date +"%a"` ZDUMPDIR=$ZBACKUP/$DATE ZMBOX=/opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox if [ ! -d $ZDUMPDIR ]; then mkdir -p $ZDUMPDIR fi echo " Running zmprov ... " for mbox in `zmprov -l gaa` do echo " Generating files from backup $mbox ..." $ZMBOX -z -m $mbox getRestURL "//?fmt=zip" > $ZDUMPDIR/$mbox.zip done


Script 3 This script must be run as root, it runs the script runRestoreAll.sh and also sends the entire backup to machine. zimbra_restore_allaccounts.sh
``` echo "***************************************************" echo "* Zimbra - Restore all email accounts *" echo "***************************************************" echo "" # echo Start Time Restore = $(date +%T)
before="$(date +%s)" # echo "" echo "Starting the process restore the backup files ..." su - zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra_backup_accounts/zimbra_restore_allaccounts.sh" before2="$(date +%s)" echo The process lasted = $(date +%T)

Calculating time

after="$(date +%s)" elapsed="$(expr $after - $before)" hours=$(($elapsed / 3600)) elapsed=$(($elapsed - $hours * 3600)) minutes=$(($elapsed / 60)) seconds=$(($elapsed - $minutes * 60)) echo "The complete restore lasted : "$hours hours $minutes minutes $seconds seconds" echo "Process completed successfully!" ```
**Script 4 zimbra_restore_allaccounts.sh ```






ZBACKUP=/opt/zimbra_backup_accounts/mailbox ZCONFD=$ZHOME/conf DATE=date +"%a"ZDUMPDIR=$ZBACKUP/$DATE ZMBOX=/opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox if [ ! -d $ZDUMPDIR ]; then echo "Backups do not exist !" exit 255; fi for mbox in zmprov -l gaa do echo " Restoring files from backup $mbox ..." $ZMBOX -z -m $mbox postRestURL "//?fmt=zip&resolve=reset" $ZDUMPDIR/$mbox.zip done ```**

Declares Article Zimbra Hot Backup Restore Tool

That its all Zimbra Hot Backup Restore Tool This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.

You now read the article Zimbra Hot Backup Restore Tool with the link address https://trik-outside.blogspot.com/2016/06/zimbra-hot-backup-restore-tool.html

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